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How to go to Shinjuku from Haneda Airport

There are 4 ways to travel from Haneda Airport to Shinjuku : train, limousine bus, taxi, and car.The cheapest way to travel is to train, but it is difficult to move on a train with a baggage.If you want to move with your luggage on a business trip or sightseeing, it’s better to consider moving by limousine bus or taxi.

In this article, we compare the time, cost, and travel comfort of each means of travel from Haneda Airport to Shinjuku.If you are considering how to travel from Haneda to Shinjuku, please refer to this article.

Terminal information for Haneda Airport

Haneda Airport is divided into the following 3 terminals.

  • First Passenger Terminal
  • second Passenger Terminal
  • International Terminal

Each terminal and its airlines are as follows.

Terminal Airline
First Passenger Terminal JAL
First Passenger Terminal Skymark
First Passenger Terminal StarFlyer
second Passenger Terminal If going to ANA * Kokura Airport, the first passenger terminal
second Passenger Terminal AIR DO
second Passenger Terminal Skynet Asia Airways
second Passenger Terminal StarFlyer (Kansai International Airport)
International Terminal International Airlines

When you use the travel method from Haneda Airport, the transportation method differs depending on the terminal, so let’s check which terminal of Haneda airport to arrive first.

Geographical distance from Haneda Airport to Shinjuku

The distance from Haneda Airport to Shinjuku is 23 km or more if you go via Metropolitan Expressway, and the bridge for moving by train is about 25 km.It seems that it is a little far from Haneda airport to Shinjuku Station, but it is not far away from the airport, so it is possible to move comfortably because it is not far away from the airport.

There are 4 typical ways to travel from Haneda Airport to Shinjuku.

  • Train
  • Limousine Bus
  • Cab
  • Car

Let’s take a look at each move method.

How to travel from Haneda Airport to Shinjuku by train

There are 3 ways to travel from Haneda Airport to Shinjuku by train.

  • Haneda Airport → Tokyo Monorail Hamamatsucho Station → JR Yamanote Line Shinjuku Station
  • Haneda Airport → Tokyo Monorail Hamamatsucho Station → Daimon -> Toei-Oedo Line Shinjuku
  • Haneda Airport → Keikyu Main Line Airport Express Shinagawa Station → JR Yamanote Line Shinjuku Station

Each move method is about 50 minutes, and the fare is 600 yen to 700 yen.If you get on a train from Haneda Airport, it’s close to the first station, so many people can sit down, but the train you transfer to is very crowded depending on the time zone, so you don’t have to move while carrying a large luggage.

If you get to Haneda Airport from the destination, I recommend you to send a baggage delivery service at the counter at the counter and send it to your home by parcel delivery service.If you want to visit Haneda Airport from abroad or from another region, it’s better to leave your luggage and move it to Shinjuku by using a taxi or a taxi.

How to Move from Haneda Airport to Shinjuku by Limousine Bus

Limousine bus is popular as a means of transportation that can be moved comfortably from Haneda Airport.Unlike trains, you can move your baggage to a warehouse under a bus, so you can move comfortably even if you have a travel bag.

By limousine bus, you will stop at the next stop in the new area.It often stops in front of a hotel, so if you have a reservation for these hotels, it will be the most recommended means of transportation.

  • Shinjuku Station west exit (number 24)
  • Shinjuku Expressway Bus Terminal (Bus Shinjuku)
  • Keio Plaza Hotel
  • Hyatt Regency Tokyo
  • Park Hyatt Tokyo
  • Hilton Tokyo
  • Hotel Century Southern Tower
  • Hotel Sunroute Plaza Shinjuku

Also, if you travel between Haneda Airport and Haneda Airport, you will stop at Terminal 2 and Terminal 1, starting with the international terminal station.It takes about 40 minutes from Terminal 1 to the west exit of Shinjuku Station, and it takes about 55 minutes to Hotel Sunroute Plaza Shinjuku, which is the last stop.

The fare is 1,230 yen for adults and 620 yen for children.However, for Higashi-Shinjuku Station and Basuta-shinjuku operated in early morning flight, adults 2,000 yen and children 1,000 yen will be charged, so please check before using it.

Bus stop for each terminal in Haneda Airport

At the international terminal which is the first train, there is a bus terminal at the entrance plaza of the first floor.Shinjuku area bus is called “Number 3 bus stop”, and there are automatic ticket vending machines and toilets nearby.There is also a waiting room nearby, so if you have a free time until the bus arrives, it’s better to wait here.

At Passenger Terminal 2, there is a bus terminal in the outside of the first floor of the arrival lobby in the arrival lobby of the floor.You can buy the King Car Inspection at the Limousine Ticket Counter in the indoor area.It is located right away from the baggage receipt area, so you don’t have to move, so you can be relieved.

The first passenger terminal is a bus terminal on the first floor arrival lobby, and the bus stop number 5 on the South Wing side is the passenger bus in the area of Shinjuku.There is an automatic ticket vending machine at the place near here, so let’s buy a bus ticket that you want to get on.

How to travel from Haneda Airport to Shinjuku by taxi

At each terminal of Haneda Airport, there is a taxi stand at both ends of the bus stop, so you can take a taxi from here.Also, there is a taxi company in Riding service with a flat fare to Shinjuku, so even if traffic conditions such as traffic jam are not good, you can access Shinjuku Station even if you don’t have a flat traffic.

It costs around 7,100 yen, but it can be used in private space while traveling, and it can be used in a business scene or as a transportation method when there is an elderly family member, since it can be used in a comfortable seat compared to other means of transportation.

Also, regarding taxis, it is an extra charge, but it is possible to operate at night hours.If you reserve a taxi in advance, you can move immediately even if you arrive at Haneda airport on a late-night flight, so you can make a trip or sightseeing more comfortable.

How to Travel from Haneda airport to Shinjuku

There is a lot of parking lots at Haneda Airport, so you can drive to Haneda Airport by car, and you can park in the parking lot and return home.Also, if you visit Haneda Airport for sightseeing or business, you can rent a car here because there are many rental car shops like Times near the airport.

If you have a car while you are on a trip, the width of your car will widen and it will be convenient for you.If you want to use a car for a business trip or sightseeing destination, you should use a rental car.


If you travel from Haneda Airport to Shinjuku Station, I recommend you to travel by limousine bus or taxi.In particular, you can travel by limousine bus at a reasonable price of around 1,300 yen, and you can access the main hotels and stations in Shinjuku directly without feeling any trouble with your luggage, so I highly recommend it.

In case of taxi, you can work while you are moving, and it is a comfortable seat compared to other means of transportation, so you can use it when you move with your old person.If you are looking for a way to travel from Haneda to Shinjuku, I would appreciate it if you could consider this article as a reference.