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How to go to Tokyo station from Haneda Airport

There are trains, limousine buses, taxis and cars (rental cars) as means to travel from Haneda Airport to Tokyo Station.The cheapest way is to train, but considering the time required and the comfort of moving, it is a move means that you don’t recommend very much.Although the limousine bus is priced at a reasonable price, it is generally the most recommended means of travel and time, and is generally the most recommended transportation method.

In this article, we will examine each of the means for moving from Haneda Airport to Tokyo Station.The best way to move is different depending on your circumstances, so please find the best way to fit yourself.

Geographical distance from Haneda Airport to Tokyo

From Haneda Airport to Tokyo Station, there is almost straight highway, and the route distance is about 20 km.It can be accessed by various means of transportation, such as trains, buses, taxis, and so on, and the routes are full of lines, so you can easily move to Tokyo Station even when you arrive at Haneda Airport at night.

The main means of moving from Haneda Airport to Tokyo Station are as follows.

  • Train
  • Limousine Bus
  • Cab
  • Car (Rent-A-Car)

When considering the means of transportation from Haneda Airport, it is important to compare each of the 3 main points : “Time Required,” “Fee,” and “Comfort during transportation.”?From the following items, let’s compare each means of moving from Haneda Airport to Tokyo Station.

How to Travel From Haneda Airport to Tokyo by Train

Since many people often use trains as a means of transportation, they become the easiest way to move forward.However, it is not necessarily optimal to choose a train as a means to move from Haneda Airport to Tokyo Station.

When moving from Haneda Airport to Tokyo Station by train, there are 2 main routes.

  • Haneda Airport International Terminal Station (Tokyo Monorail) → Hamamatsu-cho (Yamanote Line, etc.) → Tokyo Station
  • Haneda Airport International Terminal Station (Airport Express) → Shinagawa Station (for example, Yamanote Line) → Tokyo Station

If you use either Tokyo Monorail or Airport Express, the fare is 580 to 650 yen, and it’s a reasonable price.On the other hand, in terms of “time required” and “comfort during travel”, it is difficult to get a high reputation for moving by train.

First, for the time required, Tokyo Monorail and so on are long, so if you try to get on a rapid train, you need a waiting time, so you need to wait for a long time.It takes about 40 minutes even if it’s early, and it takes about 70 minutes to get to Tokyo Station if it takes a long time.There are various purposes such as sightseeing and business trip, but it is very wasteful that you spend a lot of time on moving time.

Also, it’s a “moving comfort” that is particularly problematic.The way to go from Haneda Airport to Tokyo Station by train has the following problems.

  • Need to walk
  • There is a possibility of getting on crowded crowded trains

If you use a train, Haneda Airport and Tokyo Station are not directly connected, so you need to transfer at least 1 times.It is very difficult if you have heavy baggage, because it is long for both routes to walk.

Also, Hamamatsucho and Shinagawa are popular terminal stations, so there are many passengers, so you may get on a crowded train depending on the time zone.It is quite difficult to ride a large bag on a crowded train.Also, it is not desirable to use physical strength by riding on a train with a Yamanote Line where you can’t secure a lot of space even if you are on a business trip.

While moving by train is an effective means when you want to reduce charges, it is not difficult to think of it as a useful means of transportation in terms of time and comfort.

How to Move from Haneda Airport to Tokyo by Limousine Bus

The best way to move from Haneda Airport to Tokyo Station is by using this “Limousine Bus”.The fare is 1,230 yen for adults and 630 yen for children, but it is slightly higher when compared to traveling by train. However, there are a lot of advantages in terms of “time required” and “comfort during transportation”.

First of all, it takes about 30 to 40 minutes to travel from Haneda Airport Terminal 1 to Tokyo Station on the time of the required time.The timetable is engraved every 10 minutes during daytime crowded hours, so you can get on almost without waiting for a while.In order to use expressways, there is a possibility of traffic jam depending on traffic conditions such as traffic jam, but there is a record that it operates at almost regular time, so it is safe.

The most significant benefit is “comfort in transit.”.The advantages of the comfort of moving by limousine bus are as follows :.

  • Large luggage is stored in the warehouse of the limousine bus
  • Be sure to sit
  • No transfer

Unlike moving by train, you don’t have to transfer or move on a crowded train while you have heavy baggage with a limousine bus.So, after you get on a bus terminal at Haneda Airport, you can get to Tokyo Station immediately by sitting on a seat of a comfortable bus until you arrive at Tokyo Station, and you can get to Tokyo Station immediately.

There is also a taxi stand near the bus terminal at Tokyo Station, so you can move from the station to a hotel by using a taxi.

There are 3 terminals at Haneda Airport, but there are bus terminals and ticket counters just outside of the arrival lobby on the first floor, so you can get on the bus without hesitation.It will be the most recommended transportation method to travel from Haneda Airport to Tokyo Station, so please consider it.

How to Travel from Haneda Airport to Tokyo by Taxi

There is a way to use a taxi to travel from Haneda airport to Tokyo station.The advantages of using taxis are the following 3 points.

  • You can get private space while moving
  • Move to front of your destination
  • At midnight or early morning

If you go to Tokyo Station by taxi, you can get a private space while you are moving, so you can proceed with the work during that time.Other means of moving can move to Tokyo Station, but if the destination is a nearby hotel or office building, you need to move further from Tokyo Station, and you may be consuming more time than you thought.If you travel by taxi, you will be taken to the front of your eyes, so if you get on a taxi from a taxi stand at Haneda Airport, you will be able to spend your time until you arrive at the taxi station.

Also, it is compatible with midnight or early morning, so even if you arrive at Haneda Airport late at night, you don’t need to wait at the airport until the public transportation starts.If you take a taxi, you can travel in 30 to 40 minutes like a limousine bus, so you can do business or sightseeing without wasting time.

Each taxi company offers services to Tokyo Station to Tokyo Station, and you can move to Tokyo Station with a certain amount of money regardless of road traffic conditions.In Japan, the flat taxi bottle of Japan Transportation, a typical taxi company in Japan, has a normal time of 5:00 to 22:00 hours, and a late-night time of 22:00 to 5:00 is 7,100 yen. 5.900.

Compared to other mobile means, this is a move means that is expensive, but it is recommended for those who want to make effective use of the time.

How to travel from Haneda Airport to Tokyo on a car (Rent-A-Car)

There are many rental car shops near each terminal of Haneda Airport, so you can travel from Haneda Airport to Tokyo Station by car rental.

In case of business trip, it is common to rent a car which is a foot on business trip, so it is very convenient for you to move by car while you are staying at Tokyo station, so it is very convenient.If you plan to move to various locations in Tokyo, you can rent a car to make it more comfortable and travel.

Depending on the type of car, there are many cars that can be rented at 1 yen or less, but they can be rented at 10000 yen or less.When visiting Tokyo on a business trip, please consider using a rental car.


“Limousine Bus” is the most recommended way to travel from Haneda Airport to Tokyo Station.The fee is reasonable, and you can enjoy the comfort of moving, so if you visit for sightseeing, let’s look at the limousine bus first.

If you want to move a little cheaper, you can use a train, a taxi, or a car if you want to move freely after moving to Tokyo Station.